
BOSS - Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner Smough [SMOUGH] - Dark Souls Remastered (PS4)

2021-04-15 2 Dailymotion

ℹ️ Ornstein is the captain of the Four Knights of Gwyn Lord of Cinder, serving alongside Artorias the Abysswalker, Lord's Blade Ciaran, and Hawkeye Gough. As his name would suggest, he was an honorary dragon slayer.
The executioner for the royal family of Anor Londo, Smough dreamed of being anointed a knight of Gwyn. However, such was his relish for his work that he soon began to eat the bones of those he had executed. Regarded as distasteful by his masters, the royal family never raised him to the rank of knight. Though, after the gods fled Anor Londo, he remains in defence of Gwynevere's illusion. Whether he does so out of loyalty to Gwyndolin or he, too, has been fooled by the illusion of sunlight is not clear.

ℹ️ Location: Anor Londo

ℹ️ Drops (Super Ornstein):
+ Soul of Ornstein
+ Leo Ring
+ 50 000 Souls
+ Ornstein's Set can be bought from Domhnall of Zena in Firelink Shrine.

ℹ️ Drops (Super Smough):
+ Soul of Smough
+ 50 000 Souls
+ Smough's Set can be bought from Domhnall of Zena in Firelink Shrine.

ℹ️ Health:
Ornstein: (Normal/Super) 1642/2981
Smough: (Normal/Super) 2645/4094

ℹ️ Souls Awarded: 50 000


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Destiny : Boss ( Video Game Universe)

No restrictive rights that this will do on our part (However, the Game does not belong to us).
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ℹ️ Dark Souls is a 2011 action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Namco Bandai Games. A spiritual successor to FromSoftware's Demon's Souls, the game is the second installment in the Souls series. Dark Souls takes place in the fictional kingdom of Lordran, where players assume the role of a cursed undead character who begins a pilgrimage to discover the fate of their kind. A port for Microsoft Windows was released in August 2012, which featured additional content not seen in the original PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. In October 2012, the new content was made downloadable for consoles under the subtitle Artorias of the Abyss.

Dark Souls has been cited as one of the best video games of all time. Critics praised the depth of its combat, intricate level design, and use of flavor text. However, the game's difficulty received more mixed reviews, with some criticizing it for being too unforgiving. The original Windows version of the game was less well-received, with criticism directed at several technical issues. By April 2013, the game had sold over two million copies worldwide. Two sequels were released in the mid-2010s, while a remastered version was released in 2018.

### Game Serie Company Engine :
Souls [Dark Souls]
Dark Souls: Remastered
Bandai Namco Entertainment FromSoftware
️ Playstation 4

Style : Action Adventure Open World ⚜️ Role Playing Game